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7 Tips to Prevent Restaurant Patron Food Poisoning

Burger and fries

The centerpiece of any restaurant is most obviously the food. Any serious restaurant owner wants to provide his or her customers with a great product.

That being said, food isn’t without its risks. We all know that we could get sick because of something we eat. That’s why we place a lot of trust in restaurants to prepare our food appropriately.

As a restaurant owner, your food will likely reach hundreds of customers on any given day. Therefore, you owe it to your customers to ensure that they consume a quality product. If a customer gets sick after eating your food, your restaurant could face a liability claim. You might have to compensate the customer for damages related to food-borne illness.

Fortunately, your restaurant insurance will likely cover instances of food-borne illness. However, do everything you can to prevent these instances from ever occurring.

Tips to Prevent Food-Borne Illness

When you work to ensure the quality of your restaurant’s food, you reduce your liability risks. Patrons will leave your restaurant knowing that they had a wonderful meal. They will also have a much lower chance of becoming ill because of your food.

  1. State and federal law require rigorous refrigeration and sanitation practices by restaurants. Make sure you follow all laws that require you to buy, store and keep food in a certain manner.
  2. Regularly check your stores for any signs of contamination or spoils. Get rid of any food that is near expiring or contaminated by air, water or mold.
  3. Only buy your stock from reputable, licensed vendors. This will help ensure that you get quality items.
  4. Store your food according to the proper methods. Keep your meat, vegetables and other perishable items in refrigeration.
  5. Whether cooking or storing your food, avoid cross-contamination. Keep your meat, vegetables and grains stores apart. Cross-contamination can lead to reactions that may compromise the safety of the food.
  6. Whenever you take food out of storage, make sure you keep an eye on the food. If your place uses a serving area, like a salad bar or buffet, make sure no environmental sources can damage the food.
  7. Always ensure that your employees handle the food in sanitary ways. Require that employees wash their hands and wear any protective equipment necessary.

Preventing food-borne illness starts with your storage practices. You can keep the risk of food-borne illness low by practicing safe handling techniques and obeying sanitation laws.

We can help you get a New York restaurant insurance policy that protects you from food-borne illness risks. We can also explain the finer points of your coverage. Get in touch with us at 914.273.8511 for more information.

Posted Friday, April 07 2017 3:56 PM
Tags : insurance, restaurant insurance, business insurance, food borne illnesses, new york

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